LZ Area Chamber of Commerce

LZACC Advisory Council Policies and Procedures Manual


To establish and maintain an advisory group within the Chamber that is composed of Past Presidents, past Officers, past Directors, past Committee Chairs, and active members who have shown an on-going interest in the betterment of the organization. This body shall act as a resource to the current Executive Board in matters pertaining to current programs, future programs, procedures, policies and the general direction of the Chamber.


a. To create and maintain a self-renewing resource pool of individuals who have proven their commitment to the Chamber and its purpose, goals and objectives.

b. To act as an advisory group to the Executive Board on matters of current operating procedures and programs, the future direction of the organization and matters of public policy.

c. To actively respond to requests made by the Executive Board and the Board of Directors and to report, via its chair, to the Executive Board, its activities on an as needed basis.


a. Membership in the Advisory Council is subject to the approval of the Chamber’s Board of Directors, and is limited to individuals who, through their service to the Chamber over a period of
no less than 10 years, as an Officer, Director, Committee Chair, and/or active member on a committee have demonstrated a positive, long term commitment to the Chamber.

b. Each Immediate Past President, upon completion of his/her term as President, shall automatically become the Chairperson of the Advisory Council.

c. Should the Chairperson designate choose not to accept the position of Chairperson of the Advisory Council or if the Chairperson is unable to complete his/her term, the Advisory Council
shall select from its membership a chairperson. This selection shall be subject to the approval of the Chamber’s Board of Directors. A member of the Advisory Council cannot be the appointed Chair of that group if that council member's company has an active Officer or Director on the Chamber’s Board of Directors.

d. The Chair of the Advisory Council shall hold the position of Officer on the Executive Board of the Chamber and entitled to all of the rights and privileges of such a position.

Adopted: 10/2002

Revised: 5/2005

Revised 2/2007

Revised: 12/2012

Revised: 12/2017

Revised: 06/2021


I acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the Lake Zurich Area Chamber of Commerce Advisory Council Policies and Procedures Manual.

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Signed by Claire Slattery
Signed On: December 20, 2022

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Document name: LZACC Advisory Council Policies and Procedures Manual
lock iconUnique Document ID: 21398a4578d8a5c32680bd75b5097d94799f9860
Timestamp Audit
January 11, 2022 11:13 am CDTLZACC Advisory Council Policies and Procedures Manual Uploaded by Claire Slattery - claire@lzacc.com IP