Join A Chamber Volunteer Committee:
LZACC is a volunteer-run organization. Committee leaders and members are volunteers of LZACC that turn ideas into action. Working with the Chamber’s professional staff and Board of Directors, our volunteers help to facilitate the programs and services that enhance the success of our members and the greater business community. Please complete the form within the committee drop downs if you are able to volunteer your time. Only one form submission is necessary.
Roles of Volunteers
Committee Chairs
Our committee chairs are the enthusiastic leaders of the Chamber’s committees. Chairs initiate agenda development with input from staff and ensure that the committee receives the agenda prior to each meeting. Chairs are also responsible for taking notes from meetings, or appoint a member to do so, and send to all committee members following each meeting. It is encouraged that each standing committee consists of a chair and vice-chair for a smooth annual transition. Chairs and vice chairs must be approved by the President of the Chamber Board of Directors.
Committee Members
Committee members work toward the fulfillment of the committee’s objectives. Many committees are open to the full membership. However, a select few committees require membership appointment by the President of the Board. Committee members must be a member in good standing of the Chamber.
Specific responsibilities of committee members include:
- Attend committee meetings
- Carry out individual assignments made by the committee chair
- Participate in committee discussions and decisions
- Attend relevant Chamber functions and events
Staff Members
Chamber staff works with committee chairs to develop goals and timelines for programs and projects. They oversee the actions of the committee and make sure that all Chamber policies and procedures are followed. A staff representative may attend committee meetings, but it is not always necessary.
Chamber Board Liaisons
VP & Director Liaisons
The Board President shall appoint a liaison from the Executive Committee and one Director from the full Board to participate in each of the Chamber committees. The purpose of this liaison is to ensure the Board is fulfilling its strategic and financial goals set, which are set at the beginning of the year.
Attendance Policy and Quorums
If a member joins a committee, we count on their participation to accomplish the committee’s goals. Therefore, if a committee member consistently misses meetings, they may receive a personal call from the committee chair to see if they want to continue to be a part of the committee. Action taken by a committee must be approved by the Board of Directors unless the Board has previously provided authority to that committee for the specific action taken. The vote of a majority of the members of the committee present at a meeting shall be the act of the committee.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions:
- What is the difference between a Standing Committee and an Ad Hoc Committee? Standing Committee: A designated group whose activity is continuous in meeting the long-range objectives of the Chamber. Ad Hoc: A designated group whose objective is specific and which will disband when that objective is met, typically event oriented.
- How long will a committee meeting last? Most meetings, unless otherwise noted, should be completed within one hour.
- What is my length of term as a committee chair or committee member? Appointments for Standing Committees are for one year and coincide with the Chamber’s fiscal year January 1 through December 30. Appointments for Ad Hock Committees are generally for 4 – 6 months prior to the event.
- Can non-members be solicited for sponsorships or used as vendors? It is the policy of the Chamber to do business with Chamber members only, whenever possible. If no member is able or willing to provide the service or product requested at a reasonable price, the chamber staff may solicit outside of the membership.
- Can a committee member purchase items or spend money on behalf of the committee or for the event? No committee or members of a committee have the authority to financially commit the Chamber unless previously given the authority by staff or the Chamber Board.
- How does the committee work with the budget? Chamber staff will maintain a budget for all programs. All proposed expenditures must be approved in advance by the Chamber staff. Programs and events are expected to be financially self-sustaining and generate revenues in excess of expenses. Funds do not carry over from one program year to another.
- Who develops press releases and other marketing materials? Staff will work in conjunction with the Marketing Committee to coordinate marketing materials including press/media releases for committee related activities. Media calls are to be handled by either the President or the Executive Director of the Chamber.
- What is the approximate time per month I should expect to devote? This varies significantly per committee. It is expected committee members read materials and consider points of discussion prior to attending the meeting. Meetings last approximately one hour. There is also expected post-meeting work depending on the committee. Therefore, it can be expected that committee members could spend 3-5 hours per month.